Brent Crude vs West Texas Intermediate WTI: The Differences

what is wti

Because crude oil is needed to manufacture other primary materials, it is the world’s most important commodity. The US investment bank Goldman Sachs estimates the proportion of crude oil used for primary materials production to be 45 per cent. Open a newspaper and there’s a good chance you’ll find a news story about the price of oil going in one direction or the other. As such, there are a few different classifications of crude oil, each that serves as a different financial benchmark for the substance. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) controls most of the oil production and distribution, often dictating costs for not only oil suppliers but countries as well. Most nations factor oil prices into their budgets, so OPEC has been considered a leading geopolitical force.

WTI is the main oil benchmark for North America, as it is sourced from the United States. It originates mainly in the Permian Basin, the site of the nation’s highest-producing oil field. The oil travels via pipeline from Texas to refineries in the Midwest and the Gulf of Mexico.

  1. Brent is the reference for about 80% of the oil traded around the world, with WTI the dominant benchmark in the U.S. and Dubai influential in the Asian market.
  2. However, not all futures or options tied to a crude benchmark are used for hedging purposes.
  3. Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons found in liquid form underground and brought to the surface for refining into fuel and other products.
  4. WTI is the underlying commodity of the New York Mercantile Exchange’s (NYMEX) oil futures contract.

If the price of the reference crude rises significantly, the purchaser is better off with the futures contract. Many futures are settled in cash, although some allow for physical delivery of the commodity. WTI and Brent are the two major types of crude oil but they have certain specific differences. For example whereas WTI is the principal crude oil traded on the American markets, Brent is the primary crude oil in the petroleum sector on the European markets. It should be noted that certain differences exist relating to the composition and concentration of these two major types of crude oil.

Is the U.S. a Net Exporter or Importer of Oil?

In fact, the majority of the financial derived products available through online European and international brokers offer contracts based on both Brent and WTI crude oil. You therefore have the choice as to which type of crude oil you wish to speculate on. When trading online, investors often have the choice between is forex broker dowmarkets scam or not different asset types according to the production zone of this commodity. The most available oil on the markets is called WTI which stands for ‘West Texas Intermediate’.

what is wti

This Middle Eastern crude is a useful reference for oil of a slightly lower grade than WTI or Brent. A “basket” product consisting of crude from Dubai, Oman, and Upper Zakum, it’s somewhat heavier and has higher sulfur content, putting it in the “sour” category. The Dubai benchmark is the main reference for Persian Gulf oil delivered to the Asian market. In the United States, West Texas Intermediate is the preferred measure and pricing model. As of August 31, 2021, WTI was trading at around $68.50 per barrel, while Brent traded at $72.85.

While the two crude oil varieties can trade at similar price points, each one has its own unique supply and demand market, and therefore its price reflects distinct market fundamentals. A benchmark in the oil market serves as a reference price for buyers and sellers of crude oil. However, not all futures or options tied to a crude benchmark are used for hedging purposes.

WTI Crude Oil Price Per Barrel

In order to best anticipate the movements and evolution of its prices through CFDs, it is therefore necessary to know their specificities and main characteristics. In December 2005 the global demand for crude oil was 83.3 million barrels per day according to the International Energy Agency (IEA) and this will continue to rise further. The difference between Brent and WTI crude oil is where they come from and their composition, Brent crude comes from the North Sea and WTI comes from the U.S., primarily Texas, North Dakota, and Louisiana. Additionally, their sulfur content is different, which determines if one is sweeter than the other. WTI has less sulfur than Brent, making it sweeter, and, therefore, easier to refine.

Adoption of WTI futures for investment purposes

On an international level there are a number of different types of crude oil, each of which have different properties and prices. The types of crude oil come from regions as diverse as Alaska North Lope, Arab Light or Zueitina in Libya. For the purposes of trading on futures exchanges in London or New York, however, reference oils are used. These are standardised products used to determine the prices for all other types.

Since the shale boom in the U.S., which resulted in a production increase of WTI, the price of WTI has gone down and usually trades at a discount to Brent. Brent is also tied to more worldwide oil markets, meaning that more factors are influencing its price. Trading tends to be particularly heavy when one of the two benchmarks undergoes unusual volatility. For example, NYMEX WTI-Brent spread options on CME Globex experienced record trading volume from 2011 to 2013 after a glut in U.S. crude sent WTI prices in a tailspin relative to Brent. But all geopolitical current events in connection with oil production also influence the WTI prices. It is generally noted that the barrel price of crude WTI is slightly higher than that of the Brent or Dubai barrel.

What’s the Difference Between Crude Oil, Petroleum, and Petroleum Products?

what is wti

Welcome to browse the page of WTI Crude Oil Price which shows the current WTI crude oil price and its fluctuation width, previous close price and open price, etc. WTI Crude Oil Price is a grade of crude oil that served as a benchmark in oil pricing, therefore, it is essential to take attention to the prices of WTI crude oil. Crude oil flows “inbound to Cushing from all directions and outbound through dozens of pipelines”.[16] It is in Payne County, Oklahoma, United States. As one of the world’s foremost sources of crude oil, WTI is a benchmark for the U.S. oil industry and investors.

When refiners purchase a Brent contract, they have a strong idea of how good the oil will be and where it will come from. Today, much of the global trading takes place on the futures market, with each contract tied to a certain category of oil. Besides its primary role as the most important energy source, crude oil is also an essential raw material for manufacturing plastics. Because the supply of crude oil is limited but demand is constantly increasing, the price of oil is also continuously rising.

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Another factor that can lead to significant differences between Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate is geopolitical trouble. During times of crisis, the spread blows out as political uncertainty leads to surges in Brent Crude prices. West Texas Intermediate is less affected because it is based in landlocked areas in the United States.

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